More important than good engineering is the ability to thoroughly understand the problems before trying to solve them. We often have clients that have a need that they think requires an engineering solution. We are always able to solve this problem or point the client to a solution that already exists. This is our process:


First, we listen. We carefully find out our client’s needs.


With our years of experience, we show our clients conceptually what we could build to meet their needs, or, if there is already something that fits their needs.


Using some of the best software engineers in Utah, we build the project by modeling the data, implementing specific use cases, and programming with frequent customer feedback at regular intervals


Often overlooked, but very important, we let our clients test the work throughout the engineering process so they can see how the project is progressing. Doing testing while developing is a cornerstone of our process.

In short, we aim to make the experience of working with us pleasant and easy. Our greatest compliments usually come from clients who have used other companies unsuccessfully and come to us to rescue their projects. The difference is usually night and day and why our clients keep coming back to us.

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Guru Technologies

Contact Us

1645 E Hwy 193, Suite 103,
Layton, UT 84040

(801) 528-1195
